1·The sixth direct flight route will save a lot time for mainland tourists.
2·Meanwhile the second pilot specifies the flight route, connection frequency etc.
3·A new flight route from Lagos will increase the traffic between the two countries.
4·When you click on a route master, a world map appears showing the flight routes you've unlocked and the price for each flight.
5·In complicated combat environment, it is very important for aircraft to plan a reasonable flight route before executing a task.
6·The same situation to Lijiang tour, since now this flight route is a pure travel line and the tour's price is quite different between seasons.
7·The main function of curve in the real-time 3D engine is to assist in portraying the movement orbit at spatial object and flight route in same flight simulated games.
8·No clear information about the source of the Nigerian outbreak is presently available, but the country is known to lie along a flight route for birds migrating from central Asia.
9·Crew pairing is one sub-problem of crew scheduling which finds one flight route and cover all flights, the most important is that the problem requires the lowest operation cost.
10·As a result, the airline scrapped seat pre-selection only on the American Samoa route because the other flight routes surveyed, for example in Korea and Japan, showed no evidence of excess weight.